Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Hopefully you will find an answer here to your query, if you can not find what you are looking for then please do not hesitate to contact us 

How are the training days structured?

We are not like most conventional Microsoft training courses.

We have broken down the components of each software package in to manageable sections. This means we are able to pinpoint exactly where you/your employees need our help.

We tailor each training day to suit you/your employees requirements. We will send you a comprehensive list of courses we offer. Each course will clearly state the level and duration. This can be used to help choose which courses can be ran in one training day. We always have the option to offer expert guidance with the structure of a training day from one of our specialists, who can recommend or point you in right direction of the courses that will best suit the needs of candidates.

All trainers are allocated 30 mins for their dinner, apart from that the whole day is completely flexible to your companies needs.

How come training days are not structured in the usual way with beginner, intermediate and advanced courses?

We feel there is no point having a beginner, intermediate or advanced course as you/your staff may already be competent with some material it may cover.

The course may also cover aspects of the software program that an employee would never need for their job role.

To avoid this we allow you full control to choose from the courses we currently have available and create a bespoke training day to best suit you/your companies goals.

Who can attended the training day?

We like to keep each course to a maximum of 10 candidates. However, the 10 candidates can differ from course to course.

For example if you booked a training day that consisted of 7 courses. 70 different members of staff could attend that one training day. The same 10 staff members could attend the whole day. There could be a morning group of staff and then a different group of staff in the afternoon. We are completely flexible.

We understand that is is not always possible for companies to have staff on training courses for the whole day so by breaking up the courses it allows the options to only have staff away from their desk for an hour, morning or afternoon.

We find this helps staff with the retention of information. Having courses broken down in to sections means they do not become overwhelmed with too much information.

How is a course structured?

All our courses are interactive. Each course has been designed and created by a an expert with years of experience.

Each course supports the delegate every step of the way. Our instructor will talk you through the functions of buttons and their capabilities. Delegates will then have time to work in custom made spreadsheets, word documents, Powerpoints (depending on the course) to practice and test new skills learnt.

We believe this teaching method is the vital part in making the smooth transition after the course to the workplace.

Not only do we allow delegates time to put their new skills to the test under the careful watch of an instructor, we will also present scenarios that could arise when using the functions, buttons and formulas in the workplace.

For example the Vlookup formula in Excel. We will talk you through how the formula works, show you how to set the formula up in the most efficient way. Allow you time to practice setting up the formula, when you are confident with how to create a formula. We will then give you a spreadsheet that contains errors, as this will happen in real life. You need to have the skills not only to set a formula up but also to correct it if you see an error warning in the program.

An instructor will be with you every step of the way.

What is CPD?

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. It enables learning to become conscious and proactive, rather than passive and reactive.

Will candidates have enough time to practice skills taught?

Yes there is ample time to practice all skills taught during each course. Our experts have created tailor made material that specifically guides, teaches and tests the new skills being shown on the course.

Courses that teach formulas also have spreadsheets that contain errors that a user will come up against when writing the formulas. By learning how to correct the formulas with the help of an instructor on hand helps candidates grow in confidence when it comes to using Excel. This is a vital training method our company uses to ensure the material has been understood and can be applied by the delegate in the workplace.

We also encourage delegates to bring along their own spreadsheets, word documents or PowerPoints to practice and apply their new skills learnt while their is an expert in the room to offer support. What better way to know how to use and apply new knowledge than in documents used every day.

How long is a training day?

Training days are structured around your requirements.

We offer one of courses, half day or full day training.

Are the courses ran online?

Yes. Due to covid and employees working remotely from home we do now offer an online instructor led courses.

Courses are identical to if a trainer was in the room.

How many employees do you train on one course?

We train up to maximum of 10 employees per course. We are flexible with numbers on the course so please enquire if you have more employees.

Do you supply laptops?

Currently we do not supply laptops for your candidates as we like to encourage that they use their own computer. We believe this helps to build up their confidence which will all them to become comfortable using the software programs they need for their job role.

What is the best way to book a course?

Call MK-Office on 07919141753.

email us via

We can talk through with you the best way to structure your day and what availability we have.

Contact us